Whoops, did I just write that? You’re probably thinking “wait a minute…part of JR Direct’s business is based on datacards”.  Good point, let me clarify.  (by the way, if you weren’t thinking that, you can learn more about our List services here)

Datacards are meant to sell.

They sound good for a reason. They are marketing data to us and a great data card promises the best rental data on the market.

I get excited when I read certain key words like “paid buyers” “active” “updating monthly” “wallets full of cash that they are dying to spend on MY next promotion!”  Ooooo, it’s music to my ears and I can already see the response rates piling up as my product flies out of my fulfillment center because these are the precise buyers I’ve been looking for all these years.   Better order more fulfillment stock before I mail.

Oh, that didn’t happen? I actually lost money? But I have all this stock now…

So how do you actually pick the best datacards?  My number one first step in selecting test data is always to ask for usage, this is a great indicator of how popular the list is.  Another gauge is to ask for number of continuations.  If the list gets lots of tests but no reorders, that’s a big red flag.  Then I do a little digging myself and I always talk to my broker before ordering any new list and see what I can uncover.

Granted it’s a bit of work, but considering the expense of renting data it’s always time well spent / money well saved.