When writing copy it’s very easy to get wrapped up with the description and details of the product or service you are selling and forget about the most important part of your pitch – why does the customer care?

It’s an easy trap to fall into. When you stand behind what you sell, you feel the need to tout its qualities. I get it, you’re proud of your baby, you milled over every minute detail, and it somehow feels like every potential customer should be rushing to try it after hearing its description! But they won’t, and for good reason.

Every day we ignore products or services that people just like us poured their heart and soul into, trying to get just right. But when you’re at the store, you don’t have all day to wander the deodorant aisle pondering the shapes of the packaging and the subtle curves in the plastic caps, or the fonts they used on their label. Instead you just want a product that will have your back when you skipped your last shower, and will hold up while you’re crammed next to that pretty girl on the bus.

So here’s a trick that I use. Pretend your target audience doesn’t care about you (maybe they actually don’t). Imagine that they don’t have time for you unless you have something to give them. They don’t care about your German engineered widget with patented thingamabob technology. But if it can get the job done in half the time so that they can spend more time doing the things they do care about, then that’s a benefit!

So the next time you sit down to write some copy, first ask yourself “if I was the customer why would I care?” This simple question works wonders for focusing your approach to key in on the benefits your product or services can offer to customers. This little trick will save you time, earn you more money, and garner the respect and admiration of your colleagues… see what I did there?