Despite the fact that the non-profit sector continues to be a leading user of Direct Mail, it’s not uncommon for me to hear from our non-profit clients that they would like to move their campaigns more online. Fair enough, from a cost saving perspective this makes a lot of sense. Direct Mail is not cheap.

But it also works.

When you think about it, there really is no suitable alternative to Direct Mail. Opponents to Direct Mail argue that in today’s hyper connected world Direct Mail has lost its significance and that the digital and mobile domain are all that is required. Yet when one compares Direct Mail to Email, its closest ‘competitor’, there are some glaring differences that point to the continued relevance of Direct Mail.

  • It’s easier (albeit slightly) to bin an email over direct mail. You get a second or two longer look with Direct Mail. Make it count and you’ll make it worth it.
  • The mail box has become less cluttered over the years. A well designed and effective direct mail piece has a good chance of getting noticed. In fact according to the DMA, 56% of postcards are read by recipients.
  • Mail is very personal. Think about it. Email is digital and read on a screen – nothing about it feels very personal. Compare that to a Direct Mail piece which has texture. Mail can give the impression through signature fonts, post-its, and handwritten notes that it has been very personalized.
  • Email is convenient – yes. People can and do receive and read emails everywhere. This can be too convenient though. How often are you out and emails come through your phone? Unless it hits you at exactly the right time, more often than not these emails simply get deleted. However, when someone checks their mail, they’ve made time for that.
  • Email and Social Media are great, but they’re not really designed for long content, and content (stories) pull at the heart (and purse) strings. Good copy will always be the strongest part of your appeal, and Direct Mail continues to be the best way to grab your reader’s attention for a longer period of time.

Every channel offers its advantages, and smart marketers and fundraisers are finding ways to make all of them work. Often seen as the dinosaur in today’s age, Direct Mail has not only continued to thrive, but has seen a resurgence in recent years as a result of better targeting and printing technologies. While it’s not the cheapest to execute, Direct Mail continues to have a unique value that can never be replicated through any other marketing channel and can often have the HIGHEST level of return for our clients.

Because it works.